What Are the Penalties for Felony Theft Convictions in CT?

Theft, also known as larceny in Connecticut, is the crime of unlawfully stealing someone’s property without their consent. Depending on what you stole and from where, you could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony theft. Being convicted of a felony will result in a criminal record that can negatively impact your quality of life. If you require legal advice or representation regarding a theft conviction, contact a Hartford County larceny attorney for assistance.

What Makes Theft a Felony in Connecticut?

There are six degrees of theft or larceny in Connecticut, labeled as different classes. The fourth, fifth, and sixth degrees are considered misdemeanors. Under Connecticut state law, for a theft to be considered a felony the value of the goods stolen has to exceed $1,000.

  • Class D Felony (third degree): theft of items with a value of $1,000 or more, an automobile valuing $10,000 or less, or a public record
  • Class C Felony (second degree): theft of items with a value of $10,000 to $20,000, an automobile valuing $10,000 or more, theft from someone’s person, or public property valuing $2,000 or less
  • Class B Felony (first degree): theft of items with a value of $20,000 or more, an automobile valuing $20,000 or more, public property valuing $2,000 or more, or extortion

There are also laws put in place that may deem theft a felony even if the value of the property is less than $1,000. You may be charged with a felony regardless of monetary value if the item stolen was a firearm or if it was your third offense. Other factors may contribute to a court’s decision to increase your charges depending on the specifics of your case.

Will I Go to Jail for Theft?

If you are convicted of felony theft, you will most likely face jail time along with a slew of other penalties. The following is a general guideline of the consequences related to each degree of felony.

  • A class D Felony results in jail time of one to five years and fines of up to $5,000
  • A class C Felony results in jail time of one to ten years and fines of up to $10,000
  • A class A Felony results in jail time of up to twenty years and fines of up to $15,000

Any of these charges, including misdemeanors, can result in a wide range of penalties depending on the circumstances of your offense. A court may also assign mandatory community service, probation, restitution, or other related penalties.

Can a Lawyer Help With my Theft Case?

If you are arrested for larceny, hiring an attorney should be your first step. Lawyers are aware of your rights and the law and can advocate for you during a trial. They will have experience with other theft cases and know the best way to negotiate on your behalf to hopefully decrease the severity of your penalties and achieve the best results for you.

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