Hartford County DUI Attorneys

Hartford County DUI Attorney

Drivers charged with an operating under the influence charge (known as OUI/DUI) often feel that courts, prosecutors, and juries consider them guilty until proven innocent. To protect yourself, it is important to obtain the services of an experienced team of DUI defense attorneys who know the local Connecticut court system. At Lingenfelter Law, we guide clients through a complex and often oppressive system to minimize the harm to one’s reputation, personal life, and finances. Obtaining the services of an Effective OUI/DUI law firm as soon as possible after an arrest is critical if you are charged with any OUI/DUI offense. While the vast majority of OUI/DUI charges in Connecticut are misdemeanors, they still have serious consequences. Drunk driving is one of the most frequently litigated criminal offenses in the Connecticut court system and drivers convicted of OUI/DUI may face significant penalties. If you need our DUI defense attorneys, contact Lingenfelter Law.

First Offense DUI

Driving under the influence of alcohol can have a serious impact on your life. If you are caught driving over the legal limit in the state of Connecticut, you are facing a serious situation. In the state of Connecticut, driving under the influence is called “operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs” (OUI/DUI).  If you are convicted of an OUI/DUI, you face both administrative per se by the Department of Motor Vehicles and criminal penalties that can devastate a person’s life. A first-offense conviction comes with consequences, including:

  • Jail time up to 6 months with a minimum of 2 days or a 6-month suspended jail sentence and probation with 100 hours of community service.
  • Fines ranging from $500-$1000
  • Mandatory 45-day license suspension
  • Mandatory 1-year installation of ignition interlock device after restoration of a license
  • Possible required participation in an alcohol education and treatment program

Second Offense DUI

Being charged with an OUI/DUI in Connecticut is a serious matter. Law enforcement is proactive when trying to fight the effects of drunk driving and courts are aggressive towards those who are charged with the offense. If you are caught driving under the influence more than once and you are convicted, your life will be seriously impacted by administrative and criminal penalties.  If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will be detained and your car will be towed at your expense. Furthermore, you will be taken to a local police station to assess your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). You are legally over the limit if you are:

  • Under 21 with a BAC of 0.02% or higher
  • Over 21 with a BAC of 0.08% or higher
  • A commercial driver with a BAC of 0.04% or higher

If you fail or refuse a test, you will be held under the assumption that you unlawfully operated your vehicle. If you are caught driving under the influence a second time within 10 years of a first conviction, you are facing escalating consequences, including:

  • Maximum of two years of jail time and probation
  • 100 hours of community service
  • Fines of $1,000–$4,000
  • A minimum 45-day license suspension
  • At least three years required use of ignition interlock devices

Third Offense DUI

Being charged with an OUI/DUI in Connecticut is a serious matter. When a person is charged with a third or subsequent OUI/DUI within 10 years of a previous conviction, you face a dire situation with an aggressive court system. A third and subsequent OUI/DUI comes with overwhelming fines and penalties, including criminal charges.

If you are above the legal limit for alcohol in your system, you will most likely be charged with operating/ driving under the influence and face serious consequences. If you are charged with a third OUI/DUI, you are considered a repeat offender and prosecutors are less likely to work with you to limit the impact on your life. A third offense conviction involves penalties, including:

  • One to three years of jail time
  • Probation
  • 100 hours of community service
  • Fines ranging between $2,000–$8,000
  • Revocation of your license

After 2 years of revocation of your license, you may be eligible for reinstatement. If you are eligible, you will only be able to drive interlock-equipped vehicles for as long as you drive. This condition may be lifted after 15 years by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles.

Ignition Interlock Device

A conviction for drunk driving can greatly hamper your life and activities. Penalties for an OUI/DUI conviction may include suspension of your license; limiting your ability to drive to work, pick up your children from school or complete your daily activities; and the installation of an expensive breath alcohol ignition interlock device on your vehicle.


Being charged with an OUI/DUI is a stressful and confusing experience. Most drivers charged with OUI/DUI do not know what to expect or how to protect their rights and minimize the potential consequences an OUI/DUI offense can have on their life, including their finances, job, family, and reputation.

Contact Our Connecticut DUI Defense Attorneys

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, it is important to have an experienced legal team on your side. At Lingenfelter Law, you can count on our firm to explore all possible defenses on your behalf. For an experienced attorney who can effectively fight your charges, contact Lingenfelter Law today.

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