Though marijuana laws are rapidly changing throughout the country, Connecticut still has strict penalties for those who possess the drug. If you have been charged with the possession of marijuana in the state of Connecticut, you need an experienced attorney who can effectively represent your interests. A marijuana possession conviction can have serious penalties, such as fines, jail time, and a criminal record. Lingenfelter Law has decades of experience assisting clients in Hartford County and throughout Connecticut. For strong legal defense when it matters most, contact the skilled marijuana possession attorneys at Lingenfelter Law today.
Penalties for Possessing Marijuana in Connecticut
The legalization of marijuana is a highly contested topic throughout the country. When a person in Connecticut is arrested on a marijuana charge, they face serious consequences including the potential for jail time and hefty fines. Depending on the circumstances, a person who is convicted of selling or possessing marijuana in Hartford County may face significant penalties:
- Possession of less than four ounces of marijuana — For a first offense, up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. For subsequent offenses, up to five years in jail and a $3,000 fine.
- Possession of at least four ounces — For a first offense, up to five years in jail and a $2,000 fine. For subsequent offenses, up to a 10-year jail term and a $5,000 fine or an alternative sentence of up to three years jail time with conditional release
- Possession near a school — If within 1,500 feet of an elementary or secondary school or licensed daycare center, a mandatory two-year sentence is added to the drug possession sentence.
- Sale by a non-addict of at least one kilogram of marijuana — For a first offense, five to 20 years in jail. For subsequent offenses, 10 to 25 years in jail.
There are additional mandatory terms added to a sentence for sale to a minor; for sale near a school, daycare center, or public housing project; and for hiring a minor to sell marijuana.
Medical Marijuana Laws in Connecticut
Marijuana laws in Connecticut recently changed to allow the dispensation of medical marijuana to patients who are currently receiving medical treatment for a debilitating medical condition, as listed by statute. Since 2012, these patients may qualify for a temporary registration certificate for palliative marijuana use. As this law goes into effect, our criminal defense lawyer helps protect qualifying patients who use medical marijuana, prescribing physicians, primary caregivers, and licensed dispensaries from being convicted of marijuana-related drug crimes.
Contact Our Connecticut Marijuana Possession Attorneys
If you are facing the effects of a marijuana possession charge, you need to contact a firm with the experience you need. Lingenfelter Law has decades of experience defending the future of clients facing drug charges. Connecticut has harsh laws related to marijuana possession and people who are caught with the drug should consider their legal options. Our firm is ready to assess your situation, guide you through your legal options, and effectively defend your future. If you need our help, contact our firm for a consultation.