How Does Connecticut Prosecute Cocaine Possession?

Cocaine is a stimulant, extracted from the coca plant grown in the Andean region of South America. The use of coca leaf has a long history in indigenous culture, as without the processes done to it by the illegal drug trade to make it into cocaine, coca leaf has different and less intense effects on the body. Cocaine, and crack which is derived from cocaine has a reputation as a very addictive drug. What might happen to you if law enforcement finds cocaine in your possession? This blog will explain the potential legal consequences of cocaine possession in Connecticut. Don’t forget that an experienced Hartford County drug possession attorney is just a phone call away, ready and waiting to help if you’ve been accused of a drug crime.

How Is Cocaine Defined in Connecticut?

Under Connecticut General Statutes Section 21a-240, cocaine is considered a narcotic substance. In particular, cocaine is an overarching type of narcotic under which other drugs may be classified. The category appears in a subsection of the legislation, as “cocaine-type” drugs. Connecticut law does not prohibit possession of coca leaves that don’t contain cocaine or ecgonine, however.

How Is Cocaine Possession Penalized in Connecticut?

Since cocaine is classified as a narcotic, the penalties for possession of it are some of the most intense in Connecticut. If you possess any amount of cocaine at all, it is a felony.

Unlike misdemeanors, felonies are extremely serious crimes under criminal law. Felonies are defined as any crime that may be punished by over a year in prison or by death. Gross or aggravated misdemeanors are similar crimes, that though called misdemeanors, are punished by more than a year in prison, and so they are effectively treated as if they are felonies.

People convicted of felonies face heavier punishments and often longer-term consequences even after release. They can’t vote, can’t serve on juries, and can’t practice some professions, among other limitations.

If you are found guilty of cocaine possession, for a first offense, you face up to seven years in prison as well as a maximum $50,000 fine. For a second offense, now you might spend up to 15 years in prison and a maximum $100,000 fine. And if you are convicted of cocaine possession three or more times, you are dealing with possibly 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.

If you have further questions or you’re currently facing cocaine possession charges, please don’t hesitate to contact our legal team today. We are here to fight for you, every step of the way.

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