What Evidence is Needed to Support My Personal Injury Claim?

As the plaintiff or victim in a personal injury case, you bear the burden of proving the other party’s recklessness or negligence. When filing a personal injury claim you need substantial evidence to support your case and demonstrate why you deserve the compensation you are after. Speak with a Hartford County personal injury attorney for representation and legal advice during your claim.

What Evidence Can Help Support My Claim?

Evidence is paramount in any case, including personal injury claims. Below are some pieces of evidence that can prove beneficial in proving your side.

  • Photos: Photographic evidence can be extremely helpful in a personal injury case. Pictures from the scene of the accident can document hazards or the condition of the environment. Photos of property damage or your injuries can prove your claim and demonstrate the impact the accident has had on you.
  • Videos: Video footage can be beneficial for similar reasons that photos can. Additionally, surveillance cameras can offer evidence that backs your claim. For example, if you were involved in a car accident and a nearby store has surveillance cameras, the video evidence can show that the other driver was negligent and caused the accident.
  • Witness testimony: Individuals who saw the accident occur can record a statement explaining the events from their point of view. Their testimony can help back up your claim.
  • Medical records: Medical records can also help prove the effect the accident had on you. They can offer evidence that the accident occurred the way you said it did, demonstrate the extent of your injuries, and provide information regarding your medical expenses which can help determine the amount of compensation you deserve.
  • Police reports: If the police were called to your accident it can be beneficial to obtain a copy of their report. It will contain detailed information about the accident, details that the officers noticed, information about the parties involved, etc.
  • Paystubs: You must prove how your life was impacted by the accident. You can receive compensation for lost wages and missed opportunities, so providing information about your income and paychecks can be beneficial.
  • Inspection records: Property owners and companies have an obligation to conduct regular inspections and safety checks of certain spaces and machinery. If it is relevant in your case you can request information about inspection history to prove negligence.
  • Expert opinion: Depending on the details of the situation you can obtain help from economic, medical, or other experts to testify on your behalf. They will evaluate the evidence you have and determine whether or not your claim makes sense.

Lingenfelter Law

If you were involved in an accident and sustained an injury it is important that you pursue legal action to receive compensation for your damages and losses. A lot goes into a successful claim so it can be beneficial to obtain the help of an experienced lawyer. Reach out to an attorney today to discuss your claim and legal options.

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