Hartford County Larceny Attorneys


In the state of Connecticut, larceny is the theft of another person’s property. The term larceny casts a wide net and can include a variety of crimes, such as theft, robbery, fraud, and more. People who are accused of larceny face a range of consequences depending on the circumstances behind the arrest. One of the most important factors that are considered in determining penalties includes the value of the stolen items. When a person steals a small item from a store, they often do not realize the serious situation they face. You could face anything from a Class C misdemeanor to a Class B felony leaving you with a criminal record that can devastate your life and livelihood. If you have been charged with larceny, contact the attorneys Lingenfelter Law for a consultation. Our firm will investigate the arrest, explore all legal defenses to free you of these charges, and effectively fight for your future.

How Connecticut Handles Larceny Cases

The state will work to prove 3 elements that constitute a larceny case. The first element that the state will work to demonstrate is that you unlawfully took, withheld, or obtained property from the owner. In other words, you stole an item with no justification for your actions. The second element the state will work to prove is that your intention was to permanently keep the item or give it to a third person intentionally. The third element is the value of the property stolen.

How Value Impacts The Larceny Charge

If you have been arrested for a larceny charge, the penalties can be significant and result in significant fines, jail time, and the lifelong burdens associated with a criminal record. Of course, the criminal charge you face depends greatly on the value of the stolen property.

  • First-degree larceny: Property that exceeds $20,000 in value
  • Second-degree larceny: Property that exceeds $10,000 but is less than $20,000
  • Third-degree larceny: Property that exceeds $2,000 but is less than $10,000
  • Fourth-degree larceny: Property that exceeds $1,000 but is less than $2,000
  • Fifth-degree larceny: Property that exceeds $500 but is less than $1,000
  • Sixth-degree larceny: Property that is less than $500

Criminal charges for larceny

When you are charged with a degree of larceny, you should understand the criminal equivalent of your charges. The breakdown of charges for a larceny crime includes the following:

  • First-degree larceny: Class B felony
  • Second-degree larceny: Class C felony
  • Third-degree larceny: Class D felony
  • Fourth-degree larceny: Class A misdemeanor
  • Fifth-degree larceny: Class B misdemeanor
  • Sixth-degree larceny: Class C misdemeanor

Contact Our Connecticut Larceny Attorneys

If you have been charged with larceny of any degree, you are facing criminal charges that can have lasting effects on your future. You could be subject to overwhelming fines and possible incarceration, depending on the charges. It is in your best interests to contact an effective attorney to fight against an uncertain future impacted by a criminal conviction. If you need a strong criminal defense for your larceny case, contact Lingenfelter Law for a consultation today.

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