What Are the Penalties for Violating Parole in Connecticut?

Parole is a privilege awarded to many convicted criminals. It allows people to serve the remainder of their sentence out in the world instead of in the confines of a prison. It is important to remember that parole is a privilege and not a right. If you are accused of violating the terms of your parole in Connecticut you can face serious penalties. Acquire help from an experienced Hartford County criminal defense attorney to begin building your defense.

Who is Eligible for Parole?

Every state has varying laws about parole eligibility. In Connecticut, an inmate generally has to serve at least half of their sentence before they are allowed to be considered for parole. Their sentence also has to be for two years or longer. Certain convictions leave a person ineligible from ever being released on parole. For example, someone convicted of murder or aggravated sexual assault may never be eligible for parole.

When a board decides whether or not an inmate is eligible for parole they will examine their conviction, their behavior while in prison, whether or not they seem remorseful for their actions, the potential danger they pose to society, and more.

What Are the Conditions of Parole?

The conditions of parole are the rules that an inmate will have to follow once they are released. It is important to keep in mind that parolees are free from prison but they are still technically serving the rest of their sentence while on parole. This means that they are not entitled to certain liberties. Some conditions that parolees may have to accept include the following.

  • Obey all laws
  • Do not travel outside of the state without permission from the parole officer
  • Do not associate with gang members or criminal organizations
  • Submit to random searches of their person, possessions, vehicle, residence, etc.
  • Do not contact victims
  • Attend drug or alcohol recovery courses
  • Check in with the parole officer weekly

What Happens if You Are Caught Violating Parole?

If a parole officer believes that a parolee has violated the terms of their parole they can report it to the Board of Pardons and Paroles. There are two hearings, a preliminary hearing and a revocation hearing.

A preliminary hearing is used for the examiner to decide if there is probable cause that the parolee violated their parole. If there is valid enough evidence they will continue to a revocation hearing. If the revocation hearing leads the board to believe that the parolee is innocent they will be released and their parole will be reinstated.

If the parolee is found guilty they could have the conditions of their parole altered or revoked. If altered, the person will continue to be on parole but with stricter terms. If revoked, the parolee will be sent back to prison to serve the rest of their original sentence.

If the revocation hearing was needed because the parolee committed a new crime they might be charged and convicted for the new offense. They could face imprisonment for their new crime.

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